The power of having a purpose
Everything we do in life will have purpose, every meal you
eat, every training session you do, every second you sleep. If you can manage
the directions of these things and make sure the purpose to help you on your
journey then you will without doubt reach your goal. So just ask yourself, ‘is
this helping me move forward?’….
I believe the key to having success in achieving your goals
is to have purpose in what you are doing. From the little things you do in the
day to the big things you do, every bit is as important as each other in the
journey to achieving what you want.
Every day I work with people who want to do achieve
something in a physical capacity about themselves, whether it be loss weight,
gain weight, decrease body fat, increase strength, become fitter, every one of
them will start with the initial idea of how they would like their physical
aspects of them to change.
No matter how much training you do, and pushing you get from
your trainer or how much you want to fit into that dress or bench that heavy
weight, it won’t happen until you change one thing.

How do you see training?... is it somewhere you go to go
through the motions, have a chat, a way to stop feeling guilty form the lunch
time donut?
Or do you go there with PURPOSE. Does every set, every rep,
every minute blasting the cross trainer have a purpose and reason. When you go
to train, make sure you are training for your goals, not for the goals of the
people you are training with. Theirs will be different.
Be selfish, it’s your life and your goal. If your training
to lose body fat and struggled with your weight for years, then you train with
your best friend but they are training for a 10km race then one or probably
both of you will end up compromising your training and meeting in the middle
somewhere, leading to not really an efficient session for either of you. Making
you feel further away from your goal than ever.
Be selfish. Make sure the purpose of your training is strong
and heading in the right direction for YOU.
How do you see food?... is it breakfast, lunch, dinner and
snacks? Are you trying to eat something you see as healthy because you think
that’s the best thing do you, and if not then you always have tomorrow to try a
bit harder?
Or do you see every meal as an opportunity to help your body
recover, do you make sure you put the best ingredients into your body as this
is what will be fuelling it in your next workout and you want to smash that PB.
Every meal should have a PURPOSE, it’s a way to boost metabolism, and a way to
repair broken muscles and a way to fuel the ass kicking you’re going to give
your body day after day until you reach your goal.
I always say to my clients to eat to be fit, not skinny. If
your trying to increase your body weight then you also need to eat with
purpose, this is even more important as you will be used to a maintainace level
and you need to go beyond that. But think about it, if you are 90kg and your
goal is to be 100kg then go and eat crap and you will make it, but put some
purpose in there and be 100kg at 10% body fat then that’s where the hard work
starts and the meals matter and what goes into your body matters.
Fuel your workout as you would fuel your car, or you will
break down.
This is not just for health and fitness; it translates into
all aspect of life, careers, socially, relationships etc. Set your goals, follow
them with purpose and succeed.
I hope you reach your goals, whatever they may be, I will
reach mine!
Believe in where you are going and don’t listen to people
who don’t understand, as their journey will be different to yours.
‘At 1st they will ask why you do it, after they
will ask HOW you did it.’
Thanks for reading.
Nick Bell
Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer
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