Thursday, 16 May 2013

One Goal Achieved! Time to set a new one!

One Goal Achieved! Time to set a new one!

At the start of the year i set myself a challenge to get back up on stage after having a few years off to concentrate on other parts on my life and my business. 
I was initially aiming to compete in the Classics Category at the NABBA West show in Exeter and then on to the Hecules Olympia in Colchester in May. 

Plans changed slightly and i ended up actually competing 2 weeks earlier at the UKBFF South Coast in Porstmouth, it was one of the biggest shows i have been to and an amazing standard by everyone.

At 8 weeks out i felt great ans was coming down nicely and weight and fat was coming off. 
For my height i had to weight in at 84kg and at 8 weeks out i was sitting at 91kg .

I used a Carb cycling approach with a 2 low days followed by a high day then 4 low days and repeat. Steady State low intensity cardio was also added at 30 mins per day increasing every week up to 2 hours per dayat 2 weeks out. 
Body fat dropped at around 0.5-1% per week and weight dropped at a steady 1 kilo per week.

2 weeks out i was feeling great at 86kg and around 7%Bf 

1 week out my bodyweight was the same and the mind starts to play tricks on you, every bit of food, every bit of exercise, cardio and sleep is scrutanised and you constantly are battleing with yourself, everytime you look in the mirror you look different, one day you look dry and ripped, then waterey and smooth, then too heavy, then too light. 
I bought a new set of scales and over the next 7 days monitored my weight mutiple times day, each scales said different, one over weight, one under! I decided to aim at losing a bit more weight over the final days in a bit to make the weight for my class, to cut a long story and a horrible few days of training short! I weighed in at 86kg which put me in the open class above, Mr U90kg's. Our weigh in was at 10.30am and we stepped on stage at 8pm, because of the previous days of trying to lose extra weight i was flat and emtpy and spent the rest of the day trying to fill out the muscles a little and get some vascularity back. 
Overall i was still really happy with the condition i was able to get to and the improvements in shape that i have made over the past few years. 
By the time i stepped on stage i was around 89kg and 6 - 6.5% Bf. The best condition i have ever been. Learnt a massive amount about my body and will be aiming to compete at the higher weight next time as i dont think my body is suited to getting down too low.

Looking forward to a great off season and now on too some new goals!

Looking at a break of 18 months for getting on stage again, i am aiming to turn my training to powerlifting for the rest of the year. I will be setting a goal of a 700kg total raw which is the total weight lifted when you add your Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift together. I will look for a small local contest towards the end of the year so the my motivation stays high for my training.

Just being back in the gym after the competition and training heavier is feeling great and hitting PB's every week.

My goals for my lifts are:
Bench Press - 150kg
Deadlift - 300kg
Squat - 250kg

Lifts at the moment are:
Bench Press - 130kg x 5
Deadlift - 240 x 5
Squat - 200kg x 5

So there you have it, set some goals for the year, feeling great, achieved what i set out to to, now on to the next one! :)

Thanks for your support. I hope your smashing your goals !
See you all soon

New Body Fitness and Nutrition

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Thursday, 21 March 2013


Motivation By Inspiration

I read a story this morning about a guy who changed his and his children's life by hard work. I'll recite the story in a minute but first i want to talk a little bit about Motivation and Inspiration as that story is the Motivation behind this blog post.

I am a huge fan and believer in the fact that if you want something bad enough and you work hard enough then you can achieve anything.
The myth of talent is a contributing factor for alot of people not achieving or believing they can achieve something as they put these world class performers and business leaders success and put it down to their 'natural ability or genetic talent', well that is a load of CRAP. The fact of the matter is that the best in the world at whatever field you look in are at the top because of HARD WORK. They have worked harder and for longer than everybody else!

I'm a big fan of guy like Eric Thomas, Ray Lewis, Tiger Wood, Will Smith, Michael Jordan, Kai Greene, David Beckham and love listening to Motivational Speakers, these are the people who INSPIRE me. These guys are at the top of their games and if you read any of their stories they all have one thing in common and that is an insane work ethic. I urge you all to  look them up and check out their stories.

Back to Motivation...i am motivated by people and things i see that Inspire me. You have to have a goal, that is where your motivation should be, that is your MOTIVE, to achive your goal.... But sometimes you need a kick of Inspiration to get you back on track to achieve that goal.

Where you find your motivation and inspiration will be different from where i find mine as we will all have different goals but the essence of realizing your goal will only come when you accept that you have the POWER to achieve it.
We use these people, videos and pictures of superstars as Motivation but what we should be Inspired by is not their insane 'Talent' and 'Genetics' but their passion for their goals and the lengths that they went and still are going to achieve them and be where they are. These are the actions that INSPIRE.

Here is the short story i read this morning on Eric Thomas's App by one of his fan that have changed his life and it sums up Motivations and Inspiration really well and hopefully will inspire you to think about where you are going and what you can do to get there!....

"I've been doing security for about 7yrs, put my sons before myself and never finished college. This year i simply got sick of being broke. There were times when i couldn't see my sons cuz u was too broke to catch the bus, phone was off so i don't hear their voices...I got sick of it...I wasn't applying myself i was so focused on my struggle i was over looking my accomplishments. My boss was playing me, doing his job and getting my pay. I updated my resume after 2 hours of posting online i received 5 job offers. I am now studying for my state exam to be a licensed life insurance agent... But i opted to self tech, i wake up at 5am and start my studying  the class doesn't start at the site until 9...they stop at 4pm...i stop at 6pm...i don't want another day i cant speak to my sons, i wont accept not seeing them because i don't have the money to get them. I haven't got my first check yet and i have clients waiting, there's a one year a five year plan..."

We are all powerful enough to change our lives, all you have to do is accept it. Make a choice, are you just going through the motions day after day hoping for luck...or are you applying yourself every single day, making it happen, doing exactly what you want to do, having an effective day, every day!...

We all have that power, you just have to accept it...

Thanks for reading and i hope this have got you fired up to go out there and smash it, i know i will be!

Train the mind and the body will follow.

Nick Bell
New Body Fitness and Nutrition 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Road to Nabba West + Hercules Olympia 2013 2

Road to Nabba West + Hercules Olympia 2

7 1/2 Weeks to go!
Just finish a Back/Biceps and Cardio session and have a couple free hours before clients are back in tonight so a chance to update this.

Heres how the back session went:

Pull Downs - 4 sets, 20, 15, 12, 10 Reps building up to bout 95kg, pleased to be doing these again as i have been suffering with elbow pain during pull downs and pull ups so the lats are feeling under worked! But seemed to be good today :)

Wide Grip Seated Rows - 4 Sets, 15, 12, 12, 10 Reps building to about 70kg. Find this give a good squeze in the lower lats and stretch through the negative part of the motion.

Single arm dumbell rows - 3 Sets, 12, 12, 12 Reps building up to 45kg's. Great squeze in lower lats, like to do these like Kai Greene bringing your hips into it slightly with out to much arm movement.

Rack Pulls - 4 Sets, 10, 10, 10, 10 Reps building to 200kg Just focusing on the upper back and trap squese at the top of the rep.

Bicep Dumbell Curls - 3 Sets, 10, 10, 8 up to 20kg's, Starting to notice little veins and bumps come out now that haven't been showing in a while!

Standing Barbell Curl - 3 sets up to 35kg Getting a good squeese a keeping momentum out of it, hit a drop set on the last set.

Single Arm Preacher curl - 3 sets, 10, 10 , 10 reps low weight, get a great stretch which really blows the lower potion of the bicep up! Nice to finish off with.

Was pretty drained after this as was 3rd low carb day so just hit my 2nd 30 cardio on the treadmill and headed home for bcaa's and pwo shake.

Did my stats again this weekend and showed another slight decrease in bodyfat, weight was about the same which was good but have come down another kg since sunday.

Stats at 8 Weeks Out
Weight - 91kg
BodyFat - 9%
Neck - 42cm
Shoulders - 130
Chest - 114
Arms - 42.5
Waist - 89
Thigh - 64
Calf - 42.5

The class that i will be aiming for at the Nabba is Class 2 where there is no weight restriction and the class that im aiming for at the Hercules is the Physique where i believe my weight will have to be around 83/84kg so i think im going to lose a bit of muscle too during the last 7 weeks.

Happy with how it is going so far and feeling good, will be upping the cardio slightly next week depending on how the stats are looking on Sat.

Will chuck my details of diet and supps up later on with some progress pics.

Thanks for reading
Nick :) 

Any questions just post them underneath.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Road to Nabba West + Hercules Olympia 2013

Hi everyone so we are at 8 weeks out from completion at the Nabba west on May 5th and 9 weeks out from Hercules Olympia in Colchester on the 11th.

So I thought I'd start this blog tread detailing my prep so you can see what I have to hopefully come in at a ripped 5% body fat!

Writing this as Im out doing my morning cardio which is about 30 - 35mins (prob 35 this morn as I'm writing as I walk and may end up veering out in the road)

Morning cardio will be done 6xper week from now on empty stomach. Although before I start I will have bcaa's and 2 x Ripped Fat burners.

Today is weigh in day and progress pics so will get the stats up later on.

Thanks for reading and if you got any questions or support, please post below and will be greatly appreciated! :)


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Calf Training Explained!

Calf Training Explained!

The lower leg is made up of 2 main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus. But they are targeted with different exercises. 

The gastrocnemius is the bulk of the calf and is hit with exercises where the knee is extended like standing calf raise.

The soleus is the deeper under muscle and also adds to the width of the calf, these are hit with exercises where the knee is bent. 

Try the seated calf machine. If your gym dosent have a seated calf raise, sit on a bench with your toes on a weight plate and rest a barbell on your thighs, raise upto your tip toes to recreate the movement. 

Try these exercises in your next calf workout and be proud to where your shorts this summer!

For tips and advice on how to get the MOST out of your training visit 

Thanks for reading

Train hard, Win Easy!

Nick Bell

Personal Trainer

New Body Fitness and Nutrition