Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Road to Nabba West + Hercules Olympia 2013 2

Road to Nabba West + Hercules Olympia 2

7 1/2 Weeks to go!
Just finish a Back/Biceps and Cardio session and have a couple free hours before clients are back in tonight so a chance to update this.

Heres how the back session went:

Pull Downs - 4 sets, 20, 15, 12, 10 Reps building up to bout 95kg, pleased to be doing these again as i have been suffering with elbow pain during pull downs and pull ups so the lats are feeling under worked! But seemed to be good today :)

Wide Grip Seated Rows - 4 Sets, 15, 12, 12, 10 Reps building to about 70kg. Find this give a good squeze in the lower lats and stretch through the negative part of the motion.

Single arm dumbell rows - 3 Sets, 12, 12, 12 Reps building up to 45kg's. Great squeze in lower lats, like to do these like Kai Greene bringing your hips into it slightly with out to much arm movement.

Rack Pulls - 4 Sets, 10, 10, 10, 10 Reps building to 200kg Just focusing on the upper back and trap squese at the top of the rep.

Bicep Dumbell Curls - 3 Sets, 10, 10, 8 up to 20kg's, Starting to notice little veins and bumps come out now that haven't been showing in a while!

Standing Barbell Curl - 3 sets up to 35kg Getting a good squeese a keeping momentum out of it, hit a drop set on the last set.

Single Arm Preacher curl - 3 sets, 10, 10 , 10 reps low weight, get a great stretch which really blows the lower potion of the bicep up! Nice to finish off with.

Was pretty drained after this as was 3rd low carb day so just hit my 2nd 30 cardio on the treadmill and headed home for bcaa's and pwo shake.

Did my stats again this weekend and showed another slight decrease in bodyfat, weight was about the same which was good but have come down another kg since sunday.

Stats at 8 Weeks Out
Weight - 91kg
BodyFat - 9%
Neck - 42cm
Shoulders - 130
Chest - 114
Arms - 42.5
Waist - 89
Thigh - 64
Calf - 42.5

The class that i will be aiming for at the Nabba is Class 2 where there is no weight restriction and the class that im aiming for at the Hercules is the Physique where i believe my weight will have to be around 83/84kg so i think im going to lose a bit of muscle too during the last 7 weeks.

Happy with how it is going so far and feeling good, will be upping the cardio slightly next week depending on how the stats are looking on Sat.

Will chuck my details of diet and supps up later on with some progress pics.

Thanks for reading
Nick :) 

Any questions just post them underneath.

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