Motivation By Inspiration
I read a story this morning about a guy who changed his and his children's life by hard work. I'll recite the story in a minute but first i want to talk a little bit about Motivation and Inspiration as that story is the Motivation behind this blog post.

The myth of talent is a contributing factor for alot of people not achieving or believing they can achieve something as they put these world class performers and business leaders success and put it down to their 'natural ability or genetic talent', well that is a load of CRAP. The fact of the matter is that the best in the world at whatever field you look in are at the top because of HARD WORK. They have worked harder and for longer than everybody else!
I'm a big fan of guy like Eric Thomas, Ray Lewis, Tiger Wood, Will Smith, Michael Jordan, Kai Greene, David Beckham and love listening to Motivational Speakers, these are the people who INSPIRE me. These guys are at the top of their games and if you read any of their stories they all have one thing in common and that is an insane work ethic. I urge you all to look them up and check out their stories.
Back to Motivation...i am motivated by people and things i see that Inspire me. You have to have a goal, that is where your motivation should be, that is your MOTIVE, to achive your goal.... But sometimes you need a kick of Inspiration to get you back on track to achieve that goal.
Where you find your motivation and inspiration will be different from where i find mine as we will all have different goals but the essence of realizing your goal will only come when you accept that you have the POWER to achieve it.
We use these people, videos and pictures of superstars as Motivation but what we should be Inspired by is not their insane 'Talent' and 'Genetics' but their passion for their goals and the lengths that they went and still are going to achieve them and be where they are. These are the actions that INSPIRE.
Here is the short story i read this morning on Eric Thomas's App by one of his fan that have changed his life and it sums up Motivations and Inspiration really well and hopefully will inspire you to think about where you are going and what you can do to get there!....
"I've been doing security for about 7yrs, put my sons before myself and never finished college. This year i simply got sick of being broke. There were times when i couldn't see my sons cuz u was too broke to catch the bus, phone was off so i don't hear their voices...I got sick of it...I wasn't applying myself i was so focused on my struggle i was over looking my accomplishments. My boss was playing me, doing his job and getting my pay. I updated my resume after 2 hours of posting online i received 5 job offers. I am now studying for my state exam to be a licensed life insurance agent... But i opted to self tech, i wake up at 5am and start my studying the class doesn't start at the site until 9...they stop at 4pm...i stop at 6pm...i don't want another day i cant speak to my sons, i wont accept not seeing them because i don't have the money to get them. I haven't got my first check yet and i have clients waiting, there's a one year a five year plan..."

We are all powerful enough to change our lives, all you have to do is accept it. Make a choice, are you just going through the motions day after day hoping for luck...or are you applying yourself every single day, making it happen, doing exactly what you want to do, having an effective day, every day!...
We all have that power, you just have to accept it...
Thanks for reading and i hope this have got you fired up to go out there and smash it, i know i will be!
Train the mind and the body will follow.
Nick Bell
New Body Fitness and Nutrition