HOW TO: Triceps Training
Ok so every guy that hits the gym wants to be increasing the size of their arms. Seeing as the arm is 2/3's triceps i thought id put together a short training routine to help with one of the most undertrained muscles in the gym today.
The triceps is made up of 3 heads so its important that we use exercises that will hit all 3 heads.
So moving on to the 1st exercise:
Close Grip Bench Press
One of the most underused exercises, yet one of the top exercises for packing on mass in the arm.
We start here when we're fresh to give maximum effort into breaking down as many muscle fibres as possible.
Technique : Start with a grip slightly inside the shoulder width, use a full range of motion(for triceps) stopping around 1-2 inches from the chest, this will keep tension on the muscle and not bring the chest in to take over the contraction.
1 Warm up set
3 - 4 working sets of 8-12 reps
90 seconds between sets
Next up is :
EZ bar Overhead Extention
This is a great exercise to hit the long head of the triceps, to give you a thick, full arm from the elbow up to the shoulder.
Technique : Use a full range of motion, alot of people go too heavy on this exercise and end up only using 50% of the motion possible, extend up to about 95% extention and bring back behind the head so the tricep is full stretched.
1 Warm up set
3 working sets of 8-12 reps
90 seconds rest between sets
Remember if you are looking to bulid muscle and increase size then the primary goal of doing the exercise is to contract the muscle, not to liftthe weight. Dont sacrifice form in order to lift more.
3rd and final exercise
Rope Pushdown
This exercise is all about 'chasing the pump'. Form is really important here as we are trying to fill the muscle with as much blood as possible and stretch the muscle fascia from inside out if you like.
Do not worry about weight at all during these last few sets, its all about intensity and contracting the muscle forcefully.
Get a good turn out of the hands at the bottom of the motion to really burn the lateral head.
During this exercise we are going to increase the reps and decrease the rest so we can really blow the triceps up.
3 working sets of 12-15 reps
30 rest between sets
That will be a killer workout that will really start packing the mass on those upper arms.
This is just advice guys, give it a go and it will work for you. Remember that the training is only 30% of the whole package, nutrition and rest is the other 70% and THAT is what will get you results!
Thanks for reading :)
Personal Trainer
New Body Personal Training and Fitness
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