The new website is now live!
It's looking absolutely great with a load of new cool features for everybody.It's broken up into 'Zones' to make it easy to get around and find exactly what you want.

Check out Our Trainers to find out all about their history and experience in the industy and how they can work with you.

One of the best new features is our interactive 'Client Zone' allowing all our clients to log on directly to their own personal page and download their latest Training Plan or Nutritional Program!
Also use our Q & A secton to ask any questions relating to your training and nutrition.
We will aim to answer all questions within 24 hours.

Another new feature is our Online Shop, offering a complete range of Sports Supplements from our own brand New Body Nutrition. Because you can now buy direct from us, you can cut out the middle man and get top quality products at discount prices! We also are offering an increasing range of gym training accesories and training apparel in the near future.
*New Body News Flash* - Pro Grips coming soon to Weymouth and Dorset!!!! These will be available soon...

Try and download our free custom WORKOUT OF THE WEEKUpdated every week so you can add some variety to your training and benefit from the latest training plans.
I hope you enjoy the new website. Train hard, Win Easy!
Nick BellPersonal TrainerNew Body Fitness and Nutrition07747451836
I hope you enjoy the new website.
Train hard, Win Easy!
Nick Bell
Personal Trainer
New Body Fitness and Nutrition
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